Crypto Exchange Hacks List

10 Biggest Crypto Exchange Hacks in History

Today, we’re about to uncover a dark underbelly of the cryptocurrency market: the biggest crypto exchange hacks that have left even the most seasoned investors dumbfounded.

Picture this: you wake up one sunny morning, ready to embrace the day with renewed optimism. You grab your favorite caffeinated beverage and leisurely scroll through your smartphone, catching up on the latest news. Suddenly, a headline catches your eye: “Crypto Exchange Hacked: Millions Vanished in Cyber Heist.” Your heart skips a beat as you delve deeper into the story, realizing the sheer audacity and magnitude of these nefarious incidents.

These hacks aren’t your run-of-the-mill thefts or ordinary cybercrimes. 

No, my friend, we’re talking about high-stakes heists that could easily rival the plot of a Hollywood blockbuster. 

Billions of dollars, countless digital assets, and the hopes and dreams of everyday people are at stake. 

It’s a battle between the cunning hackers and the crypto exchanges’ security defenses, and sometimes, the line between success and failure can be razor-thin.

But fear not! 

Because, throughout this captivating journey, I will not only share these biggest crypto exchange hacks but also uncover the invaluable lessons they teach us. 

Knowledge is power, and understanding the dark side of the crypto universe will arm you with the tools to navigate this exhilarating but treacherous landscape.

Prepare to be amazed as I unveil the audacity of the Mt. Gox hack, where over 850,000 bitcoins vanished into thin air. 

That is over $22 billion in today’s market if you calculate it using $26,300 which is the Bitcoin price at the time this post was published. 

But that’s not all! 

So, fasten your seatbelt, my friend, as we embark on a heart-pounding journey through the biggest crypto exchange hacks in history. 

Together, we’ll unravel the mysteries, learn from the past, and arm ourselves with the knowledge needed to thrive in this brave new world of cryptocurrencies. 

Understanding Crypto Exchanges and Their Vulnerabilities

Before we delve into the crypto exchange hacks, it’s crucial to understand what crypto exchanges are and the vulnerabilities they face. 

Imagine these exchanges as bustling marketplaces where buyers and sellers of cryptocurrencies come together to buy, sell, trade, and store their coins.

Crypto exchanges act as intermediaries, facilitating transactions and ensuring liquidity in the market. 

However, with great power comes great responsibility, and crypto exchanges are not immune to vulnerabilities. 

Despite their best efforts to implement robust security measures, they are constantly battling against skilled and relentless attackers. 

Hackers employ a variety of techniques, such as phishing attacks, malware, and social engineering, to exploit vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access to the exchange’s systems. 

Once inside, they can manipulate transactions, steal funds, or disrupt the entire platform, causing chaos and financial losses.

Users may unknowingly place their trust in exchanges that fall short of safeguarding their assets.

Understanding these vulnerabilities is essential for any crypto investor. 

It highlights the importance of due diligence when choosing a reputable exchange with a strong track record of security and reliability. 

10 Biggest Crypto Exchange Hacks in History

Here are the biggest crypto exchange hacks of all time:

1. Mt. Gox Hack

Now, let’s delve into the most notorious crypto exchange hack in history: the infamous Mt. Gox debacle. 

Mt. Gox, short for “Magic: The Gathering Online Exchange,” started as a platform for trading collectible cards. 

In 2010, it transitioned into cryptocurrencies and became the largest Bitcoin exchange worldwide, handling over 70% of Bitcoin transactions at its peak.

The story took a dark turn in February 2014 when the exchange abruptly halted all trading, citing a critical security flaw. 

Panic and confusion swept through the crypto community as users were locked out of their accounts and rumors began to circulate.

As the dust settled, the shocking truth emerged: Mt. Gox had suffered a devastating hack, resulting in the loss of approximately 850,000 Bitcoins, worth over $450 million at the time. 

It was a catastrophic blow not just to Mt. Gox but to the entire cryptocurrency ecosystem.

The hack revealed several unsettling facts about the exchange’s security practices. 

Mt. Gox was operating with significant vulnerabilities, leaving it susceptible to the breach. 

These vulnerabilities included poor coding practices, weak internal controls, and inadequate security audits. 

The hackers exploited a flaw in the exchange’s system, allowing them to manipulate the transaction process and siphon off funds undetected.

The fallout from the Mt. Gox hack was far-reaching. 

Thousands of users lost their investments, and trust in the crypto industry took a severe hit. 

Legal battles ensued, and the exchange eventually filed for bankruptcy, leaving many victims without hope of recovering their funds.

The Mt. Gox debacle served as a wake-up call for the entire crypto community. 

It led to industry-wide improvements. 

2. Binance Hack

Binance, known for its vast selection of cryptocurrencies and its prominence in the industry, prided itself on its robust security measures. 

However, in May 2019, the exchange faced a major security breach that left users and the crypto community stunned.

Attackers managed to gain access to a large number of user API keys, and other vital information. 

With this valuable data in hand, they orchestrated a coordinated attack, exploiting multiple user accounts and initiating large-scale transactions.

The hackers’ ultimate goal was to accumulate a significant amount of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies within a short period. 

By taking advantage of compromised accounts, they executed transactions that transferred funds to their own wallets, ultimately siphoning off approximately 7,000 Bitcoins—equivalent to $40 million at the time.

But the exchange’s transparent and proactive response helped to mitigate the potential damage and rebuild trust among users.

Binance’s CEO, Changpeng Zhao, known as “CZ,” took to social media to provide regular updates on the situation, assuring users that their funds would be fully protected. 

He also revealed that Binance would utilize its Secure Asset Fund for Users (SAFU) to cover the losses, ensuring that affected users would be fully compensated.

In the aftermath of the attack, Binance worked tirelessly to enhance its security infrastructure further. 

Binance also offered a substantial bounty of $250,000 for information leading to the apprehension of the hackers.

NOTE: Binance reimbursed affected users from its Secure Asset Fund for Users (SAFU), leading to more trust for the platform. 

3. Coincheck Hack

Coincheck, a Japan-based cryptocurrency exchange, was once a prominent player in the crypto industry, offering trading services for various cryptocurrencies. 

However, on January 26, 2018, the exchange was thrust into the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.

In what has been hailed as one of the largest crypto hacks in history, hackers managed to breach Coincheck’s security systems and make off with a staggering amount of NEM tokens. 

The hackers executed their plan flawlessly, transferring approximately 523 million NEM tokens to their own wallets. 

At the time, the stolen tokens were valued at around $530 million, leaving Coincheck and its users in a state of shock and disbelief.

The fallout from the incident was severe. 

Coincheck faced immense scrutiny from regulators, investors, and the general public. 

The exchange was criticized for its lax security practices and failure to implement necessary safeguards to protect user funds. 

In response to the attack, Coincheck pledged to compensate its users for the stolen funds. 

Eventually, Coincheck was acquired by Monex Group, a Japanese financial services company, to turn the page on the catastrophic event.

4. Bitfinex Hack

Bitfinex, known for its wide range of trading options and liquidity, suffered a major blow in August 2016. 

Hackers targeted the exchange, exploiting vulnerabilities and managing to bypass security measures.

The attack resulted in the loss of approximately 120,000 Bitcoins, equivalent to around $72 million at that time. 

It was a devastating blow not only to Bitfinex but also to the trust and confidence of its users.

To address the losses suffered by its users, Bitfinex devised a unique strategy. 

It implemented a recovery plan called “BFX token,” where it issued tokens to affected users, representing their lost funds. 

Over time, Bitfinex committed to gradually repurchasing these tokens, ensuring that users were compensated for their losses.

[READ: How to Become Successful in Crypto Market]

5. KuCoin Hack

KuCoin, a well-established cryptocurrency exchange known for its wide range of trading options and user-friendly interface, experienced a devastating security breach in September 2020. 

The hack resulted in the loss of a substantial amount of cryptocurrency from the exchange.

In total, the hackers managed to steal approximately $280 million worth of cryptocurrencies, making it one of the biggest crypto exchange hacks in history. 

The affected cryptocurrencies included Bitcoin, Ethereum, and several altcoins, impacting both KuCoin and its users.

Upon discovering the breach, KuCoin immediately took action to contain the situation and protect its users’ funds. 

One notable aspect of the KuCoin incident was the exchange’s transparent and proactive response. 

KuCoin kept its users well-informed throughout the ordeal, providing regular updates on the progress of the investigation and recovery efforts. 

The exchange also pledged to cover the losses from its own reserves and initiated measures to strengthen its security infrastructure.

In the aftermath of the hack, KuCoin undertook various security enhancements to prevent future breaches. 

6. BitGrail Hack

BitGrail, an Italian crypto exchange, experienced a tumultuous period in 2018 that shook the confidence of its users and the crypto community as a whole. 

The exchange primarily facilitated the trading of the cryptocurrency Nano (formerly known as Raiblocks).

In February 2018, BitGrail announced that it had suffered a severe security breach, resulting in the loss of a substantial amount of Nano tokens. 

The hack reportedly led to the disappearance of around 17 million Nano, valued at approximately $170 million at the time.

The incident sparked widespread concern and controversy. 

Users questioned the security measures and management practices employed by BitGrail, with some alleging negligence on the part of the exchange. 

The severity of the hack, combined with the challenges faced by the exchange in addressing the issue promptly, contributed to a loss of trust among BitGrail’s user base.

Following the hack, a contentious legal battle ensued between BitGrail and the Nano community. 

BitGrail’s founder, Francesco Firano, accused Nano’s developers of being responsible for the security breach, claiming that the Nano protocol was flawed. 

On the other hand, the Nano community argued that BitGrail’s security vulnerabilities and mismanagement were the primary causes of the hack.

7. BitMart Hack

BitMart, a popular cryptocurrency exchange, found itself at the center of a security breach in October 2021. 

As a result of the breach, a significant amount of funds, including cryptocurrencies and other digital assets, were stolen from BitMart. 

The exact amount of the loss has varied in different reports, but it was estimated to be in the range of $150 million. 

The incident sent shockwaves throughout the crypto industry, raising concerns about exchange security and the protection of user funds. 

In the aftermath of the hack, BitMart prioritized the recovery of user funds and the restoration of its platform. 

The exchange committed to compensating affected users for their losses and improving security measures to prevent future incidents.

8. Bitstamp Hack

Bitstamp, a well-established European crypto exchange, suffered a major security breach in January 2015. 

During the attack, hackers managed to gain unauthorized access to Bitstamp’s systems.

The breach resulted in the theft of approximately 19,000 Bitcoins, equivalent to around $5 million at that time. 

The incident raised concerns about the security measures employed by exchanges and the safeguarding of user funds.

Upon discovering the breach, Bitstamp took immediate action to mitigate the impact and protect its users. 

Bitstamp demonstrated transparency and commitment to its users by keeping them informed throughout the investigation and recovery process. 

9. Zaif Hack

Zaif, a Japanese cryptocurrency exchange, experienced a major security breach in September 2018. 

During the attack, hackers exploited a vulnerability in Zaif’s system, gaining unauthorized access to the exchange’s funds.

The breach resulted in the theft of various cryptocurrencies, with an estimated total value of around $60 million at the time. 

It was a distressing incident that not only affected Zaif but also raised concerns about the security practices employed by exchanges globally.

In response to the hack, Zaif’s parent company, Tech Bureau Corp, reached an agreement with a Japan-based investment firm called Fisco Ltd. 

Under the agreement, Fisco acquired a majority stake in Zaif, providing financial support to compensate affected users and ensure the continued operation of the exchange.

10. AscendEX Hack

AscendEX, formerly known as BitMax, is a well-known cryptocurrency exchange. 

In November 2021, AscendEX experienced a security breach that resulted in unauthorized access to its systems and a significant loss of funds.

During the attack, hackers exploited vulnerabilities in AscendEX’s infrastructure, gaining access to the exchange. 

This allowed them to steal an estimated $77.7 million in cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, among others.

The incident underscores the constant threat faced by exchanges and the need for robust security measures.

Upon discovering the breach, AscendEX acted swiftly to contain the situation and protect its users.

AscendEX worked closely with cybersecurity experts and law enforcement agencies to identify the hackers and recover the stolen funds. 

The exchange also took steps to enhance its security infrastructure and implement additional safeguards to prevent similar incidents in the future.

[READ: 7 Misconceptions about Bitcoin to Stop Believing]

3 Common Vulnerabilities Leading to Crypto Exchange Hacks

These are some of the vulnerabilities that lead to crypto exchange hacks:

1. Insufficient security protocols

Many exchange hacks occur due to weak security measures, such as inadequate encryption, outdated software, or poor network security. 

Exchanges must invest in robust security infrastructure to safeguard user funds.

2. Human error and social engineering

Hacks can occur when exchange employees fall victim to phishing attacks or social engineering tactics, inadvertently providing access to hackers. 

Exchanges must educate their staff about cybersecurity best practices and implement strict verification procedures.

3. Vulnerabilities in third-party services

Exchanges often rely on third-party services for various functions, such as wallet management or payment processing. 

However, if these services have security weaknesses, they can become entry points for hackers. 

Exchanges must thoroughly vet and regularly assess the security practices of their third-party partners.

[READ: Why You Lose Money in Crypto]

Lessons Learned from the Biggest Crypto Exchange Hacks

As we navigate through the tales of the biggest crypto exchange hacks, it’s crucial to reflect on the lessons learned and explore ways to protect our precious crypto assets from falling victim to similar calamities. 

Here are some key practices to keep in mind:

1. Research and Choose Reputable Exchanges:

  • Prioritize security: Look for exchanges with robust security measures, including encryption, cold storage, and two-factor authentication.
  • Reputation matters: Research the exchange’s track record, user reviews, and compliance with regulatory standards.

My trusted exchanges now are, and Kucoin

2. Utilize Hardware Wallets:

  • Consider investing in a hardware wallet, a physical device that securely stores your private keys offline.
  • Hardware wallets offer an extra layer of protection by keeping your keys away from online threats and potential hacking attempts.

[READ: The Best Crypto Hardware Wallets for Storing Crypto Offline]

3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA):

  • Activate 2FA for all your exchange and wallet accounts.
  • 2FA adds an extra authentication step, typically through a mobile app, making it more difficult for hackers to gain unauthorized access to your accounts.

4. Diversify Your Assets:

  • Avoid storing all your cryptocurrencies in a single exchange or wallet.
  • Distribute your investments across multiple platforms, reducing the impact of a potential breach on your overall holdings.

You should consider at least two exchanges from, and Kucoin

5. Stay Updated with Security Best Practices:

  • Stay informed about the latest security recommendations and best practices within the crypto industry.
  • Regularly update your software and operating systems to ensure you have the latest security patches.

6. Be Wary of Phishing Attempts:

  • Exercise caution when receiving unsolicited emails, messages, or links related to your crypto accounts.
  • Double-check URLs and verify the legitimacy of any communication before entering your login credentials or personal information.

7. Keep Personal Information Secure:

  • Protect your personal information, such as passwords and private keys, by using strong, unique passwords and avoiding sharing sensitive details online.

8. Be Mindful of Third-Party Applications and Services:

  • Exercise caution when using third-party applications and services that interact with your crypto accounts.
  • Ensure that these applications are trustworthy and reputable, as they may introduce additional security risks.

Remember, protecting your crypto assets is an ongoing effort. 

Stay vigilant, adapt to evolving security practices, and regularly review your security measures. 

By being proactive and following these key practices, you can reduce the risk of falling victim to crypto exchange hacks and safeguard your investments.

[READ: 7 Best Ways to Protect Your Crypto From Theft and Hacks]


The crypto world has witnessed its fair share of thrilling highs and heart-wrenching lows, and nothing exemplifies this rollercoaster ride better than these biggest crypto exchange hacks. 

These dramatic events have left investors on the edge of their seats, serving as a stark reminder of the need for utmost caution in the crypto market.

But fear not, dear friend, for there is light at the end of the tunnel! 

The crypto community has risen from the ashes of these hacks, stronger and more determined than ever. 

Exchanges have bolstered their security measures, implementing robust protocols and investing in cutting-edge technologies to protect their users’ funds.

So, if you’re a crypto enthusiast or a budding investor, don’t let the tales of these epic hacks deter you. 

Because with each challenge, the crypto space is evolving, becoming more secure, and carving a path toward a future where decentralized finance reigns supreme.

Remember, the biggest crypto exchange hacks are not just cautionary tales; they’re also catalysts for change. 

They have pushed the industry to new heights and forced stakeholders to confront the shortcomings head-on. 

The lessons learned from these incidents will continue to shape the future of cryptocurrencies, ultimately leading us to a more robust and resilient financial ecosystem.

I hope you found this post helpful.

I have also written some other crypto blog posts that will help you in your cryptocurrency journey. 

Check them below. 

You should also check us out on  Twitter and Instagram to follow us and stay up-to-date with the industry.

read also:

Biggest Crypto Exchange Hacks in History

IMPORTANT; you must never send money to anyone you meet online asking to help you invest in cryptocurrency. They are scammers. Crypto is easy, and you can do it all by yourself.


The information presented here should not be used as the sole basis of any investment decisions, nor should it be construed as financial, tax, legal, or accounting advice. I will also advise that you invest in cryptocurrency only what you are comfortable living without, at least temporarily.

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