Non-Fungible Tokens Explained

Explaining NFTs for Dummies: Non-Fungible Tokens Explained

Let’s start by explaining NFTs for dummies.

If you have been wondering lately what on earth Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are and why everyone seems to be going crazy about them, then you’re in luck because we’re about to dive headfirst into the captivating world of NFTs, explaining NFTs for beginners and unpacking the wonders they hold. 

So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready to embark on an exhilarating journey that will leave you with a profound understanding of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

But before we delve deeper, you might be wondering, “Why should I care about NFTs? How can they possibly affect my life?” 

Trust me when I say that NFTs have the potential to impact various aspects of our world. 

From transforming the art market and empowering creators to unlocking new revenue streams and enabling digital collectibles, the possibilities are truly endless. 

Whether you’re an artist seeking recognition, an investor eyeing the next big thing, or simply a curious soul eager to explore the forefront of technology, NFTs offer an extraordinary gateway to a world brimming with creativity, opportunity, and excitement.

So, buckle up and prepare to have your mind blown as we embark on this adventure together. 

I’ll guide you through the intricacies of NFTs, break down the jargon, and demystify the wonders they hold. 

By the end of this journey, you’ll be armed with the knowledge to navigate the vibrant NFT ecosystem like a seasoned pro.

What is an NFT for Dummies

NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are unique digital assets that represent ownership or proof of authenticity for a particular item, whether it’s a piece of artwork, a video clip, a music track, or even virtual real estate in a virtual world.

Explaining NFTs for Dummies
Credit: Opensea

Here’s the thing: while traditional currencies like the dollar or Bitcoin are fungible, meaning they can be exchanged on a one-to-one basis, NFTs are different. 

Each NFT has its own distinct value and properties, making it non-interchangeable with any other token. 

Think of it like comparing a mass-produced t-shirt (fungible) with a rare collectible item (non-fungible) – the t-shirt can be easily exchanged, but the rare item has unique characteristics that set it apart.

Understanding the Basics of NFTs

Defining Fungibility and Non-Fungibility:


Fungibility refers to the interchangeability of assets or goods that are mutually replaceable. 

In other words, if two items are fungible, they can be exchanged on a one-to-one basis because they have the same value and characteristics. 

For example, traditional currencies like dollars or euros are fungible because each unit is equivalent and can be exchanged for another without affecting their value.


Non-fungibility refers to assets or goods that are unique and cannot be exchanged on a one-to-one basis. 

Each item possesses distinct qualities, attributes, or properties that set it apart from others. 

Non-fungible assets have individual value and cannot be easily substituted. 

They are one-of-a-kind and often hold subjective or sentimental worth.

How Do NFTs Work

To understand how NFTs work, it’s essential to grasp the concept of blockchain technology. 

NFTs are built on blockchain technology, which serves as the underlying infrastructure for their creation, ownership, and transactional processes. 

This technology ensures transparency, security, and immutability for NFTs.

Here’s a simplified breakdown of how NFTs work:


To create an NFT, an artist or creator typically starts by choosing a blockchain platform like Ethereum, which allows creators to “mint” their digital assets as NFTs and sell or auction them in online marketplaces.

During the minting process, important information about the asset, such as its title, description, and metadata, is stored on the blockchain.

Smart Contracts

NFTs are powered by smart contracts, which are self-executing agreements with predefined rules encoded on the blockchain. 

Smart contracts automatically facilitate transactions, enforce ownership rights, and ensure that creators receive royalties whenever their NFTs are sold in the future. 

They eliminate the need for intermediaries, making the process more efficient and transparent.

Token Standards

NFTs on Ethereum typically follow a specific token standard called ERC-721 or ERC-1155. 

These standards define the rules and functionalities of NFTs, including how they can be bought, sold, and transferred. 

They also enable interoperability, meaning NFTs can be recognized and used across different platforms and marketplaces that support the same standards.

Ownership and Verification

When you purchase an NFT, ownership is recorded on the blockchain, providing you with a unique digital certificate of authenticity. 

This certificate includes information about the asset, its creator, and the transaction history. 

As a result, anyone can verify the ownership and authenticity of an NFT by looking at the blockchain’s public records.

Buying, Selling, and Trading

NFTs can be bought, sold, and traded on various online marketplaces and platforms specializing in digital collectibles. 

These marketplaces act as intermediaries, connecting buyers and sellers. 

When you purchase an NFT, you receive a transfer of ownership recorded on the blockchain, while the seller receives the agreed-upon payment. 

The marketplaces often charge fees for facilitating these transactions.

Read Also: Most Popular NFT Marketplaces: Where to Buy, Sell, and Discover NFTs

Royalties and Secondary Sales

One exciting aspect of NFTs is that creators can earn royalties even after the initial sale. 

Whenever an NFT is resold on a secondary market, the smart contract associated with the NFT can automatically distribute a percentage of the sale price back to the original creator. 

This provides ongoing income and incentives for artists and content creators.

Interoperability and Utility

NFTs can be integrated into various digital applications and experiences, adding utility and value. 

For example, NFTs can grant access to exclusive content, and virtual experiences, or even provide in-game items or rewards within virtual worlds. 

This interoperability expands the possibilities for how NFTs can be utilized beyond simple ownership.

Understanding Ownership and Scarcity of NFTs

When it comes to NFTs, one of the key concepts to grasp is ownership. 

NFTs revolutionize the idea of digital ownership by providing a transparent and immutable record of who owns a particular digital asset. 

Let’s explore ownership in the context of NFTs and also delve into the concept of scarcity.

Digital Ownership

Traditionally, digital assets like images, music, or videos were easy to copy and distribute without any clear way to establish ownership. 

However, NFTs change the game by leveraging blockchain technology. 

When you purchase an NFT, the ownership is recorded on the blockchain, providing a digital certificate of authenticity. 

This certificate serves as proof that you are the rightful owner of that specific digital asset. 

The decentralized nature of the blockchain ensures that the ownership record is public, transparent, and cannot be altered or tampered with.

Authenticity and Verification

NFTs enable creators to establish the authenticity of their digital creations. 

Each NFT has unique metadata attached to it, including details like the title, description, and even the history of the asset. 

This metadata, combined with the unalterable nature of the blockchain, allows anyone to verify the authenticity of an NFT and ensure that it is an original and genuine work.

Scarcity and Value

Scarcity plays a significant role in the value of NFTs. 

Unlike digital files that can be duplicated infinitely, NFTs are designed to be scarce or limited in quantity. 

Each NFT represents a one-of-a-kind asset or a limited edition of digital creation. 

This scarcity adds value to NFTs as collectors and enthusiasts seek to own something unique or exclusive. 

The perception of scarcity drives demand and can result in higher prices for desirable NFTs.

Perceived Value

It’s important to note that the value of an NFT is subjective and driven by various factors such as the reputation and popularity of the creator, the uniqueness and quality of the digital asset, and the demand within the market. 

The market for NFTs is dynamic and influenced by trends, cultural significance, and individual preferences. 

What one person finds valuable may not hold the same value for someone else.

Separating Ownership from Copying

Owning an NFT doesn’t necessarily mean you have exclusive access to the underlying content. 

For example, if you purchase an NFT representing a digital artwork, others may still be able to view and enjoy that artwork online. 

However, owning the NFT grants you official ownership rights and the ability to prove your ownership in the digital realm. 

The value lies in the uniqueness and provenance associated with owning that specific NFT.

NFT Use Cases

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have gained popularity not only in the art world but also in various industries. 

Let’s explore some compelling use cases that showcase the versatility and potential of NFTs beyond traditional digital artwork:

1. Digital Art and Collectibles

One of the most prominent and widely recognized use cases of NFTs is in the realm of digital art and collectibles. 

NFTs have revolutionized how artists and creators can tokenize and sell their digital artworks as unique pieces. 

Artists can mint their artwork as NFTs, which establishes proof of ownership and authenticity on the blockchain. 

Collectors can then purchase and own these digital art pieces, often in limited editions or with unique attributes.

NFTs have created new opportunities for artists to monetize their work directly, bypassing traditional intermediaries. 

Artists can also receive royalties on secondary sales, ensuring ongoing compensation as the value of their artwork appreciates.

2. Gaming and In-Game Items

NFTs have gained significant traction in the online gaming industry, allowing for the ownership and trade of in-game items, characters, and virtual assets. 

NFTs enable players to truly own their digital items and have the freedom to buy, sell, or trade them outside of the game ecosystem.

Games like Axie Infinity, CryptoKitties, and NBA Top Shot have leveraged NFTs to create digital economies and vibrant marketplaces for virtual goods. 

Players can collect rare or unique NFT-based items, breed and trade virtual pets, or own digital representations of memorable moments in sports.

NFTs in gaming offer players a sense of ownership and the ability to monetize their gaming experiences. 

They also provide developers with new revenue streams, as they can earn a percentage of transactions that occur within the game’s NFT ecosystem.

3. Virtual Real Estate and Virtual Worlds

NFTs have found a use case in virtual real estate and virtual worlds. 

In virtual environments such as Decentraland, CryptoVoxels, and The Sandbox, NFTs represent parcels of virtual land and properties. 

Users can purchase these NFTs to own and develop virtual spaces, creating virtual businesses, galleries, and social experiences.

Virtual real estate NFTs provide users with digital property rights and the ability to monetize their creations or activities within the virtual world. 

They enable virtual economies and foster creativity and entrepreneurship within these immersive virtual environments.

4. Music and Entertainment

NFTs have revolutionized the music industry by enabling artists to sell unique tracks, albums, or concert experiences directly to their fans. 

Musicians can create limited-edition NFTs that grant exclusive access to backstage passes, VIP experiences, or even the rights to future royalties.

5. Intellectual Property and Licensing

NFTs have the potential to transform how intellectual property is managed. 

Content creators can tokenize their creations and set rules through smart contracts, enabling transparent licensing and royalty distribution. 

This can simplify the licensing process, ensuring creators receive fair compensation for their work.

How to Get into The NFT Space

If you’re intrigued by the world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and want to explore this exciting space, then you should first determine your areas of interest within the NFT space. 

Are you drawn to digital art, music, gaming, or other sectors? 

Before we proceed, knowing your preferences will help you focus your efforts and find relevant projects and creators to engage with.

Now, let’s get you started.

Platforms for Creating and Selling NFTs

There are several platforms and marketplaces available for creating and selling NFTs. 

Here are a few popular ones:

1. Ethereum-based PlatformsOpenSea, Rarible, and SuperRare are prominent platforms that support the creation and trading of NFTs on the Ethereum blockchain.

2. Other Blockchain Platforms: Binance Smart Chain (BSC) and Solana are alternative blockchain platforms that also offer NFT functionality and marketplaces.

Steps to Create Your Own NFT

To create your own NFT, follow these general steps:

1. Choose an NFT Platform: Select a platform that aligns with your needs and the blockchain network you want to use.

2. Set Up a Cryptocurrency Wallet: Create a cryptocurrency wallet compatible with the platform and blockchain you’re using. Popular wallets include MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and Coinbase Wallet.

3. Acquire Cryptocurrency: Obtain the required cryptocurrency (usually Ether for Ethereum-based platforms or BNB for Binance Smart Chain) and deposit it into your wallet to cover the transaction fees associated with creating the NFT.

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4. Prepare Your Digital Asset: Ensure that your digital asset meets the platform’s specifications, such as file format and size. This could be a digital artwork, music file, video, or any other digital creation.

5. Mint Your NFT: Upload your digital asset to the chosen platform and follow the instructions to mint your NFT. You may need to provide additional details like the title, description, and any accompanying metadata.

6. Set Pricing and Royalties: Determine the price for your NFT, or if you prefer, set it as an auction-style listing. You can also choose to receive royalties on secondary sales, allowing you to earn a percentage of future resales.

7. Confirm and Publish: Review the details of your NFT listing, including the asset, description, and pricing. Once you’re satisfied, confirm the listing and your NFT will be published on the platform’s marketplace.

Buying NFTs for Beginners

To purchase NFTs, follow these general steps:

1. Choose a Platform: Select an NFT platform or marketplace where the NFT you want to buy is listed.

2. Set Up a Cryptocurrency Wallet: Similar to creating NFTs, set up a compatible cryptocurrency wallet and ensure it contains the necessary funds to make the purchase. The platform may require a specific cryptocurrency for transactions, so make sure you have the appropriate currency available.

3. Browse and Select: Explore the marketplace for NFTs of interest. When you find an NFT you want to purchase, click on it to view the details, including the price and any additional information provided by the seller. But before you buy NFTs, research the artists or creators. Look for authenticity, reputation, and uniqueness.

4. Buy the NFT: Follow the platform’s instructions to complete the purchase. This usually involves confirming the transaction and paying the listed price in cryptocurrency. The platform will initiate the transfer of the NFT to your wallet once the transaction is confirmed.

The Role of Cryptocurrency Wallets

Cryptocurrency wallets play a vital role in both creating and purchasing NFTs. 

They store the cryptocurrency required for transaction fees and provide a secure means of transferring and holding NFTs. 

Wallets also allow you to manage and view your NFT collection and interact with the blockchain and NFT marketplaces.

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Benefits and Criticisms of NFTs

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) have sparked both enthusiasm and debate in various industries. 

Understanding the benefits and criticisms of NFTs can provide a balanced view of their potential impact. 

Let’s explore some of the key advantages and concerns surrounding NFTs.

Benefits of NFTs:

1. Empowering Creators

NFTs offer artists, musicians, and content creators a new way to monetize their digital creations. 

Traditionally, artists relied on intermediaries such as galleries, agents, or record labels to sell and distribute their work, often receiving a fraction of the proceeds. 

With NFTs, artists can directly tokenize and sell their digital art, music, videos, or other creative content to a global audience without relying on intermediaries. 

This disintermediation empowers artists by providing them with greater control, ownership, and financial opportunities in the digital landscape.

NFTs also enable creators to earn royalties on secondary sales, ensuring ongoing compensation for their efforts.

2. Provenance and Authenticity

NFTs leverage blockchain technology to establish verifiable proof of ownership and authenticity for digital assets. 

This creates a transparent and immutable record of the asset’s history, allowing buyers to confidently own and trade unique digital items with a clear origin.

3. New Revenue Streams

NFTs open up opportunities for creators to explore innovative revenue streams. 

They can sell limited editions, offer exclusive content or experiences to NFT holders, or collaborate with brands for unique NFT-based projects. 

This can diversify income sources and provide a sustainable model for creative endeavors.

4. Tokenization of Assets

NFTs enable the tokenization of various assets beyond art, such as music, videos, virtual real estate, virtual goods, and more. 

This opens up new possibilities for ownership, investment, and interaction within digital ecosystems, creating vibrant marketplaces and communities.

Criticisms of NFTs:

1. Copyright and Intellectual Property Issues

NFTs have raised questions about copyright ownership and intellectual property rights. 

The ease of creating and selling NFTs has raised concerns about copyright infringement issues. 

There have been instances where unauthorized individuals have minted and sold NFTs of digital artworks or content without the consent of the original creators. 

This has led to debates about copyright infringement and intellectual property rights in the NFT space.

To address this, platforms and marketplaces are working on implementing better verification processes and ensuring that creators have control and ownership over their original works. 

2. Market Volatility and Speculation

NFTs, like any emerging asset class, are susceptible to market volatility and speculation. 

The rapid rise in popularity of NFTs has led to fluctuations in prices and the creation of speculative bubbles. 

Some argue that the value assigned to NFTs may not be sustainable in the long term, and there is a risk of a market correction or decline in value.

It’s crucial for participants in the NFT space, whether creators or collectors, to exercise caution, conduct thorough research, and be aware of the risks involved. 

3. Inequality and Exclusivity

Critics argue that the high prices associated with some NFTs can perpetuate exclusivity and concentrate wealth within a select few. 

This can limit access to digital art and other assets, potentially widening the gap between established creators and emerging talents.


I hope this guide has shed light on this rapidly expanding phenomenon, making it easier for all the “dummies” out there (and let’s be honest, we’ve all been there) to grasp the concept of NFTs.

Now that you understand the basics, you might find yourself contemplating the infinite possibilities that NFTs offer. 

From artwork to music, virtual real estate to collectibles, NFTs have truly revolutionized how we perceive ownership in the digital realm. 

The ability to prove authenticity and uniqueness with a few lines of code has opened up a whole new realm of possibilities for artists, creators, and even everyday individuals like you and me.

So, my friend, as you embark on your own NFT adventure, remember that this innovative technology is here to stay. 

Don’t be afraid to dive in and explore the vast ocean of creativity and possibilities that NFTs present. 

Who knows, you might just stumble upon the next digital masterpiece, or even create one yourself!

So, go forth and explore, my friend. 

Unleash your inner creative genius or become an astute collector. 

The choice is yours. 

But one thing is for certain – NFTs are no longer reserved for the tech-savvy elite. They are here for everyone to enjoy, appreciate, and make their mark upon.

Additional Resources

You’ve come to the end of our guide “Explaining NFTs for Dummies” and I hope you found it helpful.

To help you get better with Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies we have prepared additional resources below which we believe you will find useful.

But before checking them out, we will like you to check out our Instagram and Twitter pages, to join us for more content. 

You can also interact with us in the comment section, tell us what you think about the post, and suggest any topic you want us to cover NEXT. 

Additional Resources

Explaining NFTs for Dummies

IMPORTANT; you must never send money to anyone you meet online asking to help you invest in cryptocurrency. They are scammers. Crypto is easy, and you can do it all by yourself.


The information presented here should not be used as the sole basis of any investment decisions, nor should it be construed as financial, tax, legal, or accounting advice. I will also advise that you invest in cryptocurrency only what you are comfortable living without, at least temporarily.

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